Tuesday 6 April 2010


Teddy, what has happened to your blog? You must organise this appropriately ASAP because I will be marking it tomorrow.

Monday 5 April 2010

evaluation publisher and conventions

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


evaluation conventions compared to real magazine




evaluation How did you attract your target audience

evaluation comparison of contents page



  • looking at my preliminary and fin al contents we can see that my preliminary is very poor.
  • My contents page looks very professional
  • my use of images are much better as i have used different images from my front cover
  • My contents looks very informative.
  • my use of images are good as they stand out well.
  • I buffed the images to make them look of a quality stand which is also down to my use of photography. this is where my photoshop skills improved as i used many effects on my images outerglow was used to give the yellowy outline.
  • my preliminary task image is poor as it is the same as the front cover
  • My final front cover looks professional and informative as it has alot of pages with information which is expected from a real magazine

evaluation my comparison of front page and prliminary task





  • overall we can see that the changes are very big between my preliminary task and final front cover
  • I used a border to highlight my masthead on my final magazine. i did not do this on my preliminary.
  • my preliminary task masthead is very poor. looking at real magazine masthead and main image are very important.
  • That why my final front cover stands out well. as it looks like a real magazine.
  • I 've used stroke dropshadow effects and blur well as you can see on my final front cover on the mast head and main image.
  • My preliminary masthead is poor and main image does not look very appealing as i've learnt main image play an important role.
  • looking at both you can see my photoshop skills have improved immensely
  • I kept the idea of a consistent colour scheme to benefit my magazine as real front covers didn't used to many colours

evaluation contents


part 2

evaluation (contents)

part 1

production log

I have now finished my whole magazine all i have left to do is my evaluation tasks and my audience profile. I have met my previous targets of uploading all information with my contents page now that it is finished. I have had trouble uploading files on to div share which i have conquered. Meaning i can now upload them. I am going to now fully evaluate my magazine using various technologies.


double spread page 2 final

i may add changes to it

double spread page 2 analysis


technologies used

Technologies Used (Evaluation) what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
View more presentations from guest105b8d9.
what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

double page 1st page spread analysis

final contents page 1

Saturday 3 April 2010

production log

I met my previous targets of uploading of voice recordings. My paper draft is up for contents and main article. The images for my main article may be up soon although i ain't sure about the amount of images i'll be using. Screen shots of my double spread will be up along with analytical description my rejected ideas will be up as well.

my contents draft (paper article)