Monday 5 April 2010

evaluation my comparison of front page and prliminary task





  • overall we can see that the changes are very big between my preliminary task and final front cover
  • I used a border to highlight my masthead on my final magazine. i did not do this on my preliminary.
  • my preliminary task masthead is very poor. looking at real magazine masthead and main image are very important.
  • That why my final front cover stands out well. as it looks like a real magazine.
  • I 've used stroke dropshadow effects and blur well as you can see on my final front cover on the mast head and main image.
  • My preliminary masthead is poor and main image does not look very appealing as i've learnt main image play an important role.
  • looking at both you can see my photoshop skills have improved immensely
  • I kept the idea of a consistent colour scheme to benefit my magazine as real front covers didn't used to many colours

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