Sunday, 28 March 2010

my target audience research EVALUATION (front cover)

This was a recording to find out opinions of people of my target audience. To see what effects the magazine will have on them. This would let me know how good my magazine is and how my audiences react. My magazine was aimed at teenagers to adults which is what my target audience said. Meaning that my front cover is very effective. They felt my magazine look very authentic due to it having a good main image and colour scheme which i am very proud of. It seemed like they thought i caught the hip hop genre well.

MY mast head title 'king' got a strong response. They felt it represented dominance and power in the industry. Which is something I was reflecting in my puff 'king music king knowledge king power'. They felt king was a strong name as I wanted that effect of a powerful magazine. my list of three and repetition was recognise meaning my puff is can be remembered well. my features on the front cover were appealing to my audience. Overall i am happy with my response from my focus group the feed back was strong. As i was happy i felt no changes needed to be made to my front cover.

Double Spread Page Picture Analysis

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

double page spread draft

Second page draft layout

First page draft layout

These layouts where just a quick idea i came up with although i may 4 pictures two on each page i've deicide to keep the same colour scheme. I am going two use two coloums on my second page and one on my first page. As i am wanting to use a large image down the right side of the page.
I chosen ' CORROSIVE GETS XPLOSIVE' as my title as it reflects in the interview with how he got his name. which i felt tied in nicely this comes straight after he answers the first question ' how did you get his name'.

Double page spread analysis (VIBE)

First page of main article

Second page of main article

  • the magazine colour scheme is kept well white green and black
  • my magazine is blue black and white throught out
  • the image down the side is something i liked so i used it
  • good layout
  • I didnt't like the fact that question aren't highlighted although this double page spread looks great

Double page spread analysis(XXL)

The second page of the main article

The first page of the main article

  • this double page spread is well presented the images stands out very well.
  • the layout looks good
  • images show a hip hop artist as he is wearing a hoody glasses chains and has tattoos
  • Overall the magazine does look very good floating quote is used to highlight important quote from artist

Potential images for contents page

I kept these images black and white for consistency which is common for magazine. I 'll be showing evidence of consistency from other magazines. I have decided to use 3/4 images for my double page spread but i may decide to cut it down.

Production blog

I have met my preivious target of uploading my contents page progress and analysis. My contents page is now finshed. I'll be uploading my double spread analysis. I hope i can soon upload some voice recorded interviews that i have done i am finding it difficult to convert and upload. My paper draft will be up soon. I am happy with my progress as i believe my magazine is looking very promising. My potential images for Corrosive will be up soon i am planning to use three or four images for my contents page.

Final contents page

Final Contents page

Contents Page Pictures Analysis

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Saturday, 27 March 2010

before current contents masthead but i am having problems with the gradient so i decided to take off all the black.

Now i kept the masthead blue and simple which still looks very good.

production blog

I have met my previous targert of analysing main articles and put up my paper draft. My aim now is to finsh of my contents i've decided to keep my colour scheme constent. I will be using a minimum of three images. Soon my contents progress will be uploaded.

My contents (paper draft)

Contents page analysis (XXL)

This contents page has used the colour scheme very well. rick ross has been represented well on this contents page. black yellow and white have been used well to highlight different aspects of the magazine yellow has been used for page numbers and to highlight rick rosses name. yellow can infer a future as in being bright. this can be seen to be linked into the artist going on to do more as he is already famous.

the layout is simple and based around the main image as i believe they want him to be the main focus as their are no other artist there.

Contents analysis (vibe)

Vibe contents page normally covers 3 pages. looking at this i can see that vibe have kept this edition simple. They put there front cover on the contents page. I believe this was done to keep him as the main focus. This is something i have put into my magazine as i want corrosive to stand out so i kept him black and white. The image in the background could be showing an artist from the ghetto who has made it into the industry. The background suggest this to me. The artist is called movado. The Typography on this is very simple. The contents page has been approached to show a simplistic view. The t'i image seems that the producer of the magazine wanted him to be main focus this can be argued for as everything is black and white expect for this. Red is only use i that area of the magazine. red stands out. Contents masthead is bold but kept in the corner which seems irregular although this may have something to do with brand image as vibe is a well known magazine

Front Cover Screen Shots Analysis

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Front Cover Screen Shots Analysis

View more presentations from guest1b0dc4.

Friday, 26 March 2010

production log

I have met my previous targets of analysising my images for my contents. My screen shot of front page will be uploaded and i am currently doin my contents page and have decided to make the colour scheme consistent. I will be finding information on contents pages from vibe and xxl to help me with my magazine. My contents paper draft will be up soon

contents page image

I used this image for my artist scribble. This was one of my previous front pagre contender images which i didn't use. But i felt this image would be very good as it is well focused and the lighting is very good. This artist will be 'SCRIBBLE'. This posed is very real as hip hop artist do screw there face and have their hat low. The props in this image are really good as they have the sterotypical props expected from a hip hop artist. The hat is a 'NY' base ball hat this is where he is from. The chains shows his wealth along with the watch.

Contents page image

I used this image as the quality is very good It suited well for my contents page. I wanted to keep the black and white consistent to make infernece to the artist as it will link to the main article. As I still want him to look mysterious which is why i took the picture in black and white. Also I used these sunglasses to make him look questionable. the brick wall shows him as an urban artist growing up i the streets but i believe that i'll be cutting the background out. As i feel it is not approapiatte for the contents

Prelimiary analysis (contents and front page)

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Contents Page Pictures Analysis

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: THIS IS MY ARTIST HOPE

This was my previous front cover which I was happy with but as I was on photoshop i felt that more could be done. Which I have done already. The light blue background looked very good but i wanted the artist to look mysterious which is mainly why i changed the background to include more black. Then i changed the colour of my coverlines to make them more visible as i had changed the background. I wanted my main coverline to stand out more so i added a shadow and stroke to my new front cover. Then i made the music in my puff blue just to stand out more.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

before and now

AFTER (present) I felt this was much better as the masthead and main image look unique. These are important on magazine as Brand image is important.

BEFORE this was my final cover but as i was using photoshop i changed it around...

Even though there is not much changes from this to my front cover i felt that the new gradient is much much better. I added little effects to the main coverlines and normal coverlines. I also added a tie-in and change colours. blue was added to music in my puff.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

I choose this pic as i felt it would be easiest to work with due to it having great space for text to work around it. I took this picture in black and white as i wanted the artist to look mysterious in some way. To fit in with his background in the early stages before his uncle came into his life. My other images show more light or future in music as i'll be using them for my main article. those images will link into main article.

Friday, 19 March 2010

contents page potential

I would like to use three or four images for my contents which i'll be starting soon these are other images i have taken to help support my magazine. i may use one of these as they fit in with my colour scheme enabling my colour scheme to flow.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Production log

Soon i be uploading all my screen shots of my front page using slide share and i'll start analysing contents page as this is my next target after the front page. Voice recordings from my target audience of what they think of my magazine. I have met my previous of uploading new images for contents and front page as i was not very satisfied with my current photos. As i believe main images is important meaning the picture must be good quality. Not all my pictures were bad. Although i wasn't pleased with them. My new pictures made me happier as they were clearer. Also the new images had a good background of a brick wall which wa something i was considering for my front page. As brick walls are linked into hip hop life normally with graffiti. Also i will be comparing my front page to my preliminary task as apart of my evaluation.
This is my front cover after a lot of changes. I will be uploading my screen shots soon to how i made my front cover. I felt that my magazine has done very well to appeal as a music magazine. My masthead is bold and 3d looking which makes it stand out well due to the big large blue font. I've used the microphone for an explanation mark it is like my logo as people has said king sounds masculine. I may consider putting the microphone on the 'I' or 'K' as a microphone normally has connotations to do with music which i felt relates to hip hop alot especially as they normally hold microphones while singing. I made references to a website 'KINGMUSIC.COM' which reflects my questionnaire as my audience spent alot of time on the internet. My cover lines I believe are very good as i used different font. This typography will allow coverlines to seem significant in there own way. My main image came out very well as i used black and white to make him seem mysterious. also the sunglasses which will link into my main article. I felt my tie in was good as it reflects my questionnaire as give-aways do attract audience. as events was very popular in my questionnaires 'TICKET GIVEAWAYS' . My main head line 'CORROSIVE TALKS '4 REAL' may convince the audience to believe that the interviews is very good. As it may get close to the artsit feelings. I decided to use colloquial language as this is link into hip hop as they don't speak proper english or writing amongst each other. I believe my puff is effective as it shows music highlighted in blue showing it weel as it stands out. This lets my audience know that it is a music magazine apart from the microphone. 'KING MUSIC KING KNOWLEDGE KING POWER' relates to the magazine well as the reader may think this magazine has alot of information. It also gives the magazine status as 'Knowledge' and 'power' let the reader know this. My price is based on questionnaire £3.00 is a reasonable price for a magazine which is new. As i had people who are interested in music but do not buy music magazine. I put 'NEW' in the corner meaning that it could give people an incentive to buy. To make people think this magazine is very excellent. I wanted my coverlines to relate to what a real magazine may look like interviews and quotes are very important 'TOP 50 tunes' is something a music magazine would have alongside floating quotes. Overall I believe my magazine looks alot like a real music magazine which is what i was aiming for.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

New front cover pictures (contenders)

These pictures i took looked very strong as the photo did not blur. This was something i was very pleased with due to having some blur problems in my previous front page contenders. This model i felt was much better. The props i use here are simple and plain. The black and white pictures i took work well. I added on the glasses as i felt that it made the artist seem more mysterious feel to him. Which could link into my main article. i used a brick wall as it is very conventional in hip hop with normally graffiti but i couldn't get this background.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

These are other fonts i have been playing with i was going for a strong bold colour scheme that would stand out on my magazine i have considered the first one. As i have said the colour scheme i am going for is blue black and white. The top one is very bold which is what i wanted. I am goin to add effects to my masthead to make it stand even though magazine like vibe and xxl dont do this alot. It can make the make head more visual and relate to something e.g XXL baby and lil wayne were able to put diamonds in masthead which represented power and wealth. This font I believe will serve me very well as I wanted a bold font and this colour scheme is working well. As the black makes the masthead look significant. I haven't decided on my actually background at the moment. I may add some effects to make it look 3d to make my masthead stand out even more.

Monday, 15 March 2010

production log

Due to me not being happy with my pictures i needed to take more pictures but due to me finding it hard to get to my model again i decided to use another friend to take pictures for my front cover. My photo reject may be used for contents page as they are not so bad. Soon i will upload new pictures and also my front cover screen shots

Model Planning 2

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: I may use my rejected images for my contents page as i don't want to use them for my front page.