Sunday 28 March 2010

my target audience research EVALUATION (front cover)

This was a recording to find out opinions of people of my target audience. To see what effects the magazine will have on them. This would let me know how good my magazine is and how my audiences react. My magazine was aimed at teenagers to adults which is what my target audience said. Meaning that my front cover is very effective. They felt my magazine look very authentic due to it having a good main image and colour scheme which i am very proud of. It seemed like they thought i caught the hip hop genre well.

MY mast head title 'king' got a strong response. They felt it represented dominance and power in the industry. Which is something I was reflecting in my puff 'king music king knowledge king power'. They felt king was a strong name as I wanted that effect of a powerful magazine. my list of three and repetition was recognise meaning my puff is can be remembered well. my features on the front cover were appealing to my audience. Overall i am happy with my response from my focus group the feed back was strong. As i was happy i felt no changes needed to be made to my front cover.

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