Saturday 13 March 2010

front cover 1st drafts

This is my front cover first draft At first before i changed my name to king i came up with the name 'lose' but this didn't have any connotations of music or the hip hop culture which i s my magazine genre. 'KING' my current front cover name link into to hip hop artist as they are always talking about money power girls and cars. The name does sound it is attractive to a male audience but it can to appeal to women in some ways. I noted that hip hip artist are very male but my aim is not to isolate women audience.To make 'KING' relate to music audience in general I came up with the idea of the microphone as an exclamation mark or the I which i am still seeing which one will suit best. I felt that 'KING' had more of an appeal to it than 'LOSE'.

My puff YEARS OF HIP HOP UP TOP' I felt was very powerful. 'UP TOP' implying that it is number one may draw in an audience thinking it is a good music magazine. I was very pleased with this puff. But as i was changing my name to king i felt that i could change my puff to 'KING music ,KING knowledge, KING power I felt the alliteration made it more catchy than 'years of hip hop up top. Also I felt it had a better feeling.

These where the main two changes between my old design and new one I kept the layout similar as I felt that it didn't need much changing. I felt that the main image is very important on any magazine. As it captured the most attention this is why I have aimed for it to be in the middle.

I highlight the give away on king more as my target audience felt it was important according to my questionnaire and added a internet link as my questionnaire results show the internet is used alot. I do feel my magazine looks very 'hip hop'. I made the 'I' microphone as 'KING' seems very masculine. I did this to make the magazine seem more of a music magazine.

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